Student Mental Wellness Program
With our new, concise and enriching student wellness program, students will be able to experience a holistic learning experience towards taking care of their mental health. Students will gain insight into their inner world and learn how to navigate the world around them more effectively.
PYAS Highlights
Covers comprehensive and all crucial topics related to mental health
Provided by experienced psychologists and renowned mental health professionals
15+ hrs of live workshops followed by individual/group activities to do things
Certification and award for students at several stages of completion & Participation
Designed by experts to deliver quality and global standards
Created in the easiest, most unique and a practical learning approach
PYAS is a Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) program that takes students from self-awareness to management and responsible decision-making. SEL has five key objectives:
Self Awareness
Self Management
Social Awareness
Relationships and communications
Decision Making
The P Y A S program is designed with these 5 objectives in mind, covering a wide range of theoretical and practical topics to facilitate a deeper understanding and the ability to apply mental health concepts, emotional intelligence and social awareness
Psychologists and counsellors develop and design our workshops to direct client experience to their work, creating informative, relatable and interactive sessions that engage participants from start to end.
1. Understanding Mental Health
This module covers the core concepts of psychology and mental health to help students understand and draw connections between these concepts and their lived experiences. This module will also help lay the groundwork for the more advanced concepts introduced in the PYAS program.
Topics Covered:
What is mental health?
A brief intro to Psychology
Risk Factors
Common Challenges
Stress & Anxiety
Stigma and history of mental health care
2. Emotional Quotient
This module addresses some of the most common challenges faced by modern young adults - especially students. Offering some theory on the concepts of time and energy management, this workshop creates an interactive environment that encourages self-reflection. By helping students identify areas for possible change, the facilitator will also offer tools and methods that can be applied to daily life to increase productivity and decrease related stress.
Topics Covered:
Emotions and the brain
Recognizing emotions
Emotional Management
Communicating Emotions
3. Effective Living
This module addresses some of the most common challenges faced by modern young adults - especially students. Offering some theory on the concepts of time and energy management, this workshop creates an interactive environment that encourages self-reflection. By helping students identify areas for possible change, the facilitator will also offer tools and methods that can be applied to daily life to increase productivity and decrease related stress.
Topics Covered:
Time management
Energy Management
The mystery of Procrastination
Striking Work-Life Balance
Breaking patterns / Forming habits
4. Cognition, Emotion and Behavior
This module covers the core concepts of human psychology and brain function - thoughts (cognition), emotion and behavior. Through the ideas presented in this workshop, students will gain theoretical knowledge about human experiences, while being encouraged to reflect and draw connections with their inner experiences.
Topics Covered:
The science of cognition
Emotions and the brain
Attention, Learning and Memory
Understanding behavior
5. Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety are the most prevalent mental health concerns worldwide, especially since the covid pandemic. These challenges permeate across ages and different areas of life, from school to adulthood. In this module, students will be introduced to the concepts and science behind stress and given insight into some tools and techniques they can apply in daily life to manage their distress and improve their quality of life.
Topics Covered:
Understanding stress
The Science of Stress
The relationship between stress and anxiety
The science of anxiety
Anxiety management
6. The Self
Identity development is a significant part of teenage and adolescence. In this module, students will be introduced to the concept of identity and how it develops through a combination of factors like family, culture and society. This workshop will also take students through concepts like core beliefs, sense of self and body image - all critical elements in adolescent mental and emotional health.
Topics Covered:
Identity and sense of self
The science of identity development
Core beliefs
Body image
Culture and identity
Understanding the self
7. Addiction
Addiction, following close behind anxiety, is one of the most widespread concerns among youth across the globe. Learning about addiction, how and why it develops, and its implications will help students gain the knowledge they need to recognise dangers and make healthy decisions. This workshop will also introduce students to the prospect of overcoming addiction, which will equip them to provide support for loved ones who may be suffering and themselves if they are dealing with such challenges themselves.
Topics Covered:
What is addiction?
Information and stats (current scenario)
The science of addiction
Stages of addiction
Risk factors
Overcoming Addiction
8. Relationships and Communication
Human beings are social creatures, and the foundation of society within which we function is built on communication and relationships. This module will cover key factors in relationship formation and management, helping students understand the connections between their cognition, emotion, behavior, the causes for the same and how these influence their interpersonal relationships. This workshop will also introduce students to tools and skills they can use in relationship management.
Topics Covered:
Attachment Styles
Boundary setting
Conflict resolution
Relationship Building skills
Active Listening
9. Media Literacy
In 2023, a large part of students' lives will be lived virtually. In the academic sphere, there are online classes, digital assignments and applications, and in the personal area, there is social media, streaming platforms, and online gaming - the list is endless. There is much helpful information online, and many tools students can use to make their tasks easier. However, there is also much dangerous knowledge and avenues for youngsters to fall into trouble. This module is aimed at helping students understand the concept of responsible media use and consumption. Through this workshop, students will be encouraged to reflect on their relationship with the media, identify problem areas and pave the way for more responsible decision-making.
Topics Covered:
Overview of Social psychology
History and development of social media
The science of validation
Screen addiction
Effects on attention and perception
Responsible social media use
10. Sex Education
Going through puberty is no small mountain to climb; naturally, students experience challenging thoughts and emotions during this time. There is a lot of misinformation available through the media. Since Indian cultural norms do not condone healthy conversations about sex, students are often left to their own devices to understand their bodies and make informed decisions. This module is designed to help students understand their bodies, concepts of biology and sex, and through a sociocultural lens, to leave them more informed and equipped to make safe decisions.
Topics Covered:
Biology and Sex
Understanding the body
Sexual Development
Understanding consent
Busting Myths about sex and gender
Sexual safety
11. Mental Health and the Body
When talking about mental health, we often speak about intangible concepts, which can sometimes feel overwhelming. It’s helpful if we remember that the mind and body are inevitably connected; hence, there is a tangible aspect to mental health. This workshop will introduce students to the mind-body connection and offer them insights into how our physical health can impact our mental health and vice versa. Taking care of your body is essential for taking care of your mind; this module will help students draw that connection and identify areas for change.
Topics Covered:
Mind-body connection
Hormones and emotions
Psychosomatic problems
Stress-related physical problems
12. Mindfulness
Modern living can be noisy, and external noise often causes noise within the mind and spirit. This internal noise (stress, anxiety, fear) can become overwhelming and even cause challenges in our daily lives. Mindfulness is a technique of grounding, relaxation and reflection that can help us turn down the volume or slow down the pace of all the movement within us to try and reconnect with the self. A concept closely derived from but slightly different from meditation, mindfulness is an impactful tool that can be easily incorporated into daily practices. This module will introduce students to the concept and help them understand how to start practising it in their daily lives.
Topics Covered:
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness vs meditation
Pillars of Mindfulness
Benefits of mindfulness
Mindful Living